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Love Bombing and Rising European Anti-Semitism

March 19, 2014

Caution sign-Sweden-road sign-school

Watch out for children: a Swedish road sign warns drivers that a school (skola) is nearby.

“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”  (Galatians 5:14)

Members of Sweden’s Liberal Party youth wing organized a “love bombing,” placing cut-out hearts on the doors of a school in Sweden a day after it was covered with Nazi slogans that included “Jewish swine” and “Disgusting Jews.”

Other youth wrote messages to the school’s Jewish students voicing their support.

Included were positive messages such as “Love overcomes hate” and “Love comes in all shapes and colours.”

“The fact that they [anti-Semites] targeted a school with Jewish kids is a sign for me that they’re really organized.  They know exactly what they’re doing,” one concerned parent told the local press.  “It’s incredible that (Swedish security police) Säpo doesn’t work efficiently with this issue … they must start taking it seriously.”  (Yahoo)

Sweden isn’t the only country experiencing anti-Semitism.  In Holland, a Dutch Jewish watchdog group reports that there has been a 23 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents during 2013 compared with the previous year.

The Center for Information and Documentation on Israel which is based in The Hague, recorded 147 anti-Semitic incidents in 2013 as compared with 114 for 2012.  (Times of Israel)

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