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Israelis Create Better Method for Closing Wounds

December 9, 2014

“Just as you, Judah and Israel, have been a curse among the nations, so I will save you, and you will be a blessing.  Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong.”  (Zechariah 8:13)

Leave it to an Israeli to find a better method for closing wounds.

The Bible states that the Jewish People are both the recipients of God’s blessings and a blessing to the nations.  (Genesis 12:2)

So it should come as no surprise that so many beneficial inventions and innovations come out of Israel.

Medical devices company IVT Medical Ltd., which is located in the Sharon Plain of Central Israel, has designed the TopClosure® Tension Relief System (TRS), an innovative approach to closing large wounds by strategically maneuvering the natural elasticity of the skin.

This new technology secures complex wounds that may not respond to conventional wound care or which would otherwise require surgery to manage.

It can also be applied as a pre-operative procedure to expand the skin, reducing the need for skin grafts after surgery.

The system distributes tension evenly, attaching to the skin using a bio-compatible hypoallergenic tape.

“By Stress-Relaxation—repeated load cycles of high tension and relaxation—the wound edges become closer together, a few small increments every time,” states TopClosure’s website.

This method of wound closure improves aesthetics and reduces or eliminates scaring.

Israel-Top Closure-medicine-wound closure

The Top Closure system was created to close complex wounds and minimize scarring.  The devise can be stapled to the skin or applied using an adhesive that attaches it to the body.  It may also be used prior to surgery to stretch the skin to avoid the use of tissue expanders, as well as excessive surgery and its associated complications.

The TopClosure® 3S System was initially intended for use by surgeons, non-surgeon physicians, and military medics at combat first-aid stations and field hospitals.  

However, with Israel constantly plagued by military threats and terrorist attacks, such a device is much needed and is now available to the public with product tutorials on the company’s website, which states,

“TopClosure® TRS is changing the standard of wound care and has a global impact.  The use of this unique new system is easy, safe and leads to excellent results.  Surgeons will find this application to be extremely helpful when managing both, simple and complex wounds.”



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