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Friendly Soccer Game Offends Fatah Sentiments

May 30, 2013


Palestinian and Israeli parents find common ground in football (soccer).

“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.  I am the LORD.”  (Leviticus 19:18)

Recently, Fatah members in the Palestinian Authority government threatened Palestinian youth with violence after they played alongside Israelis in a soccer tournament called “Neighbors United.”

The game took place in Holon near Tel Aviv under the sponsorship of Mifalot, an organization established in 1997 by the owners of Hapoel Tel Aviv Football Club and the Kahanoff Foundation.

According to the foundation’s charter, the goal is to “capture the power of football in order to build more active, compassionate and cohesive communities and promote peaceful coexistence.”

The Holon soccer match is one example of its efforts to use sports to promote positive ties between Palestinian and Israeli teenagers; however, as soon as photos of the event were posted on the Internet, Fatah activists condemned the match, regarding it as a form of “normalization” with Israel.

It then posted threatening messages directed against the Palestinian boys and girls who participated in the tournament.  (JPost)

“Every now and then, some organizations who call themselves Palestinian come up with activities of normalization with the occupation.  These activities are held either in some European capitals or even during visits to the occupying state.  The most recent activity was a football [soccer] match involving Palestinian children, both male and female,” Fatah party’s Ramallah office announced.  (Ma’an)

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