God is a covenant keeping God, and will not forget or overturn the covenant He has made with Abraham regarding his descendants - His people Israel. So I will honour God\'s covenant with the people of Israel with Him.
P Stimson, Australia
I\'m donating because I really believe in the Messianic Prophecy Bible Project and in helping the people of Israel. May God watch over and protect Israel and may he open the eyes and minds of the Jewish people through the blessing of Bibles for Israel.
R Garcia , United States
God is able!!
O Durojaiye, Nigeria
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.!
D Frison, United States
Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him. T. Nicholas from New Zealand
T Nicholas, New Zealand
Israel is the land chosen by God where His one and only Son was revealed to a people who chose to reject Him. May we all know the salvation that can only be obtained through the true Messiah.
G Lewis, United Kingdom
May you continue the great work for the kingdom of God!
D Wilson, United States
Shalom. May the Lord bless you always for your great work saving the Jewish people. Amen!!
T Hyldahl, Denmark
I would like to see all Jewish people return to God and to Messiah. I would like the Jewish people to see through the Old Testament Scriptures that Jesus was the one they were pointing to. I do pray for our Lord\'s protection not just on Israel but on all Jewish people worldwide. No matter what, they are still God\'s chosen people. R. Backert
R Backert, United States
I love Yeshua. I appreciate what he has done for me on the cross and in my life and I love the Jewish people. Shalom
Anonymous, Canada