God\'s gift of life is free. Not earned. Through faith God raised Jesus from the dead to atone our sins.
Evan M. Chen Hines, United States
All honor, praise and glory to Lord God Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Barry Blander, United States
Praise God for a more accurate translation of scripture to comprehend a deeper meaning in God’s word.
Laurie Sliz, United States
I believe that blind eye's see, deaf ears are opened, the lame walk, the dumb talk, and the dead are raised to life in Jesus Name. And if we see through the eyes of the Spirit, these miracles are happening all around us as people from every tribe and tongue believe in Hashem.
Kimberly Faye Cork, United States
God chose Abraham a gentile to bless the world through his seed Jesus the Christ and has fulfilled his word that I as a gentile have hope and a future according to his promise to the world.
J Anthony Fenton, United States
I want all Jews to be saved.
Cheok Kwong Lee, Singapore
To keep the salvation message ever so present in the minds of the people of Israel.
Ed Mohd, Canada
I love the Jewish people and want to help. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul.
Joanna Hughes, United States
Please, I need you pray for me. May the Lord of Abraham have mercy on me.
Jesula Pierre Louis, United States
Yom Kippur
Robert Righter, United States